Moon-Cake Festival

Mid-autumn festival
is large in Hong Kong.

heralding autumn,
calling an end to summer,
full harvest moon rises
low above the city,
phosphorescently eye-balling
the gratitude of family.

moon-cakes represent the season.
made of ground lotus seeds and sugar,
a solid pickled orange yolk centre,
they once housed contraband -
messages of revolutionaries...

these calorific bombs
are individually wrapped,
and presented
weeks in advance,
to friends, family or clients;
or gifted as coupons
for redemption.
thus, the alter-ego:
moon-cake festival.

This year it was
5th of October.
workers left around 3pm
on the eve
to celebrate, with dinner,
lit lanterns,
and spherical offers.

then poured out from apartments -
like ants sensing jam -
to assemble and ogle the moon:
a bright round disc
suspended in the dark,
hugging the city skyline.

The air was clear and crisp,
with visibility for miles
(unusual for smoggy Hong Kong)
and the moon held centre stage
above the towers,
waiting for the bat signal.